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Home / Horse Blankets / LeMieux Kudos Gladiator Fly Rug

LeMieux Kudos Gladiator Fly Rug

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The Kudos Gladiator Fly Rug is the ultimate luxury fly rug, crafted in superior durable intelligent power-form mesh which adapts its weave structure to mould to the shape of the horse over time.

Engineered in durable nylon and monofilament polyester, the lightweight mesh makes this fly rug highly breathable, naturally repelling water and encouraging rapid drying. The extended shaped belly flap maximises coverage and features a three-strap closure with detachable central strap that helps to self-right the rug.

The design registered angled front fastening system distributes pressure to prevent rubbing on the point of shoulder and across the chest. A two-part patented lower skirt system provides a break in the hemline and relieves tension allowing for a greater range of movement.